Wednesday 3 October 2012

CityLink ... the missing link.

Hmmm ... it’s interesting that CityLink say they will refund motorists for the debacle that occurred today when both the Domain and Burnley tunnels were closed due to a computer glitch.
This is fine if you have an eTag or day pass (you have to chase this yourself) but what about the many more motorists that don’t usually use CityLink and yet were still affected by the many traffic jams around Melbourne that were a flow on from the closures?
I had staff who were over 3 hours late to work, and as some of the work is time critical we were affected greatly by this.  I myself sat in the car for two hours before having had enough I turned around and went home, frustrated by this at least I was able to jump on the bike and make my way through the traffic somewhat, still to turn up to work many hours passed the time I would’ve liked to start at.
Simply refunding motorist who use CityLink is not good enough how about refunding the wasted fuel or work hours that everyone else has had to endure?  It’s ridiculous that a city can close down because of one set of tunnels.  CityLink should be forced to allow free travel or somehow compensate motorists and businesses affected by this morning’s debacle.

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