Sunday 11 November 2012

Goodbye Grandad

For many of us, the Long Ride is not only about challenging ourserlves, it's about taking on the challenge for someone else.

Many riders have been touched by prostate cancer in one way or another, for me it was my father who had it a few years ago and is now thankfully in remission.  Since taken on my first Long Ride in 2011 I have met many other people who have been touched by the disease, many are people who have come along and supported me.

While my Long Ride's will always be dedicate to my father the 2013 event will take on the a special significance as it will now also be dedicated to my Grandfather, Len, who passed away earlier this week.

Funnily enough Grandad never was into motorbikes, in fact he never held either a bike or car licence for his entire 90 years, but he always supported me in riding and always took an interest.  I remember my first little Yamaha MX80 when I was a kid, it sat in his backyard under the porch for the best part of a few years as I 'tried' to rebuild it and not once did he complain, he just held the torch as I worked on it.

Aftert completing the last Long Ride, Grandad took some interest but coming from England and never really travelling in Australia, I don't think he grasped quite how far the distances were.  Never mind he would still ask about the 'bike'.

Thankfully Grandad only had a short illness and I was able to say goodbye to him before he passed. 

Goodbye Grandad, I know you'll be riding with me in 2013, and you'll finally see some of Australia.

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