Sunday 24 March 2013

Huge Choccy, Huge Raffle

Aries Lin with the chocolate
almost as big as him.
The Easter raffle for a 10kg block of Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate was drawn on Wednesday and raised a mammoth amount for the Long Ride.
Thanks to Robert 'Tav' Swinton the raffle raised $1282.05 and was won by Aries Lin, good luck Aries eating that much chocolate.
The second place, a 4.5kg toblerone, went to Murray Ward while third place was all won by the following: Michael Turner; Leslie Truong; Stuart Irving; Iain Coulthard; Phil Mackrell; Steve Williams; Wes Hall; Kety; Rob Kimber; and Bettina.
Thank you everyone who bought a ticket the money raised will definitely go a long way on the Long Ride to fight prostate Cancer.  As a way of saying thank you to all Computershare staff who have helped I will be wearing a little patch as my way of thanking your support.


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