Thursday 3 July 2014

Community Support Growing

The Southern Riverina News
July 2, 2014
Support for the Long Riders doing the extra long way is gaining.  In the past few days there's been media interest from the Southern Riverina News, covering the Finley area of southern New South Wales.  

This has grown through interest shown by the local Lions Club as well as the local council, in fact what this region has done so far really makes this the unofficial starting point for the long Long Ride.  Initially the first stop of the day would've been Echuca, this has now been bypassed and we'll head straight to Finley to meet the local community and have lunch with them - in many ways it's our way of saying thank you for the work they have done for us.

Sophie Burge from the Southern Riverina News wrote a fantastic piece on the ride covering what we are doing, what it is all about, and when we'll be in town ... I hope the other riders don't get upset that it was all about me ...

Just one of the noticeboards in Cloncurry 
with the poster on it.
The good people of Cloncurry in Queensland have also started to show some fantastic support for the ride, through the great work being done by Thea Dasios.  Thea has gone around town putting up a number of posters advertising the ride as well as generating social media coverage through the Cloncurry Shire Council's Facebook page.

While in Cloncurry we'll hopefully be able to meet the mayor as well as the local councilors and community and generate even greater interest.

Can't wait to meet all of these people.

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