Saturday 16 February 2013

Johnson Matthey, As Good As Gold

There's no doubt that an event like the Long Ride brings out the best in people and corporations, it's the donations of these people that make the ride a success.  One company has gone a long way to make the ride a huge success.

Johnson Matthey Austtralia, a leading manufacturer of precious metal products have very generously made a considerable donation to my Long Ride fundraising efforts and has seen the overall amount get much closer to the target of $15,000.

Concentrating on innovative growth solutions through high-quality products, services and tailored support initiatives Johnson Matthey Australia saw this as being a perfect fit with the work the Long Ride is trying to achieve.

The amazing thing for me is that Johsnon Matthey Australia are so hunble that they chose not to have their logo on the Long Ride riders vest, not because they didn't want to, they just wanted to make a donation to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia with little fuss.  Everyone know's I love a patch so this was a little disappointing, but hey I'm just very grateful for their very, very generous donation.

The overall amount raised now is at $5800, still a way off the $15,000, but we are getting there and with donations like that made by Johnson Matthey Australia I'm sure we can reach and surpass the goals set.

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