Friday 1 February 2013

Moyston Music ... A Great Way to Test Some Gear

The Australia Day weekend saw a new music festival arise, it didn't have big name international acts, it didn't have masses of drunks not really interested in the music, and it didn't have so many stages that you couldn't see everything.

In fact the inaugural Moyston Music Festival had none of the aforementioned, it had just one stage with great local acts, playing in front of appreciative fans of music.

Mick Thomas was a highlight at Moyston
Moyston is about 20 minutes outside of Ararat at the foot of the Grampians in country Victoria, an ideal place for a music festival and an ideal place to test the camping gear that will be used during the Long Ride.

Besides beer being just $3.50 a can, about a third of what you would get charged at the Big Day Out, for me the highlights where headline act Mick Thomas (of Weddings, Parties, Anything fame) and St Kilda lads Dirt River Radio.  Another highlight came at about 1am when two old blokes, one with a Harley and the other a Triumph America, started up the Harley and while it thundered away the owner proceeded to proclaim, "I just wanted to hear f'en Barnsey."  Ah bogans, they're everywhere.  It was pretty funny, as everyone was trying to get to sleep.

The little tent, sleeping bag, and an array of self-inflating mattresses and pillows where pretty comfortable, but don't know how they will go after a hard day of long distance riding - time will tell.

As I dosed off I couldn't help but think what a great day of music it had been, especially seeing the Dirties playing their new stuff as well as their 'classics'.  I certainly hope the Moyston Music Festival returns for a second year.

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