Monday 25 February 2013

One Giant Prize For Choccy Lovers

There's no dout that a raffle always helps raise funds and with Easter just around the corner have I got a cracker for you.

Computershare's own fundraising guru, Robert 'Tav' Swinton is offering one hell of chocolate fiends best friend, a 10kg block of Cadbury's Dairy Milk.  But as they say in the classics, "wait, there's more".

Second prize is a 4.5kg Toblerone, that's some serious mountains of chocolate.  And third prize, well there's 10 third prizes of bags of Easter eggs.

The great thing is, tickets are just $2 each or three for $5.  If you want to buy any please email me ( and I'll send you the details of how to enter.  It's as easy as that.

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