Thursday 2 October 2014

Long Ride - Day 5 - Charleville to Brisbane

Charleville, QLD to Brisbane, QLD
Distance - 700km (2315km)
Weather - Sunny 26 degrees

The morning after the last good night ...
so far!  Thanks De Bortoli
Day 5 was a day of getting things sorted and getting somewhat back on track.

It started with a final visit from the doctors to get the okay to leave hospital and to say goodbye to new friends (get well Ken, looking forward to having a beer with you soon & keep looking for Graham's cat, it might turn up one day).

The staff, especially the nurses, at Charleville hospital, are fantastic, I couldn't thank them enough for the help they gave me.

After leaving the hospital the next stop was Ward's Transport who have been fantastic organising to get a couple of bikes back home - wish the same could be said for BMW (Alliance) Insurance who have been pretty much useless, it makes you wonder whether owning a BMW is a good thing.

Anyway enough of the whining, it was time to get going again.

The last shot of the straight bike ...
The flight on the Qantas-link Dash 8 from Charleville to Brisbane was different.  Taking off was bloody painful as the plane moved around but at least we were able to laugh about the tracks below possibly being the ones that caused the issues.

From Charleville we had to land at Roma to get off the plane and get scanned in, apparently Charleville is the only place in Australia that doesn't have security equipment ... 

The flight to Brisbane was uneventful except for a few bumps and a few resultant expletives, but all good.  The taxi ride was worse, the miserable old git hit every bumped he could and then took us the long way to the hotel.
I think that's the track that took me out.

Once in the room I was pretty much asleep and so ended day 5 ...

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