Thursday 2 October 2014

Long Ride - Day 6 - Brisbane to Alice Springs

Brisbane, QLD to Alice Springs, NT
Distance - 2779km (5094km)
Weather - Sunny 32 degrees

Day 6 has seen us get somewhat back on the original route however, I feel it has now become like Charley Boorman's "By Any Means".

The day started early with a ride to the Brisbane airport.  The taxi driver was a lovely man who's wife was a former emergency doctor working between Darwin and Alice Springs.  He was pretty keen to tell me how to fix the shoulder and overcome the pain.

The first part of the days journey was a one hour flight from Brisbane to Sydney.  A quick stopover then on to Alice Springs.  I'm not sure if it was all of the travelling and jolting of the shoulder or the pain killers but I started to feel pretty ordinary, so much so that the flight crew were looking a little worried and offered to give me oxygen.

For an hour or so I thought I was going to make this the flight from hell for the other passengers however, a little drink of ginger beer and a nap made me feel a lot better - the pain didn't go though.

Bill has been good enough to sticker
up his bike for me.  Thank you mate.
Once in Alice Springs the plan was to find some wheeled transport, this became a bigger task than we thought.  At the very least I had to finish with the other riders, so the mode of transport is a Wicked Camper which will soon be stickered up with all of my supporters logos.

As for these I have top thank Billy Boy for covering his bike in stickers of mine, the guy is a real saint and has helped immensely, as has Andy.

Both stopped by TJM Mt Isa to thank Lucian and his team where I couldn't, I'm eternally grateful to both Lucian and the lads for the support.  I can't wait to see the picks.

One of the many roadtrains the guys
have had to contend with.
The boys also went and saw the dinosaur digs at Winton, something I really wanted to do after missing it on the Long Ride 2013, looks like I will have to wait again.  The photos coming from the ride so far have been brilliant, I just wish I was there to see it first hand.

Tomorrow we'll be back on the ride, by any means and so the blog should pick up the pace a little ... I didn't realise how much you use your shoulders when typing, weird.

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